Package oshi.demo

package oshi.demo
Provides demonstration classes exercising some of OSHI's capabilities. Not intended for production use, but rather as an example/template to start with.
  • Classes
    Attempts to create a unique computer identifier.
    Uses OSHI to attempt to identify whether the user is on a Virtual Machine
    Uses OSHI to attempt to identify which OSFileStore, HWDiskStore, and HWPartition a file resides on.
    Demonstrates the use of Jackson's ObjectMapper to create JSON from OSHI objects
    Basic Swing class to demonstrate potential uses for OSHI in a monitoring GUI.
    Demo class to vend OSHI JSON data via an HTTP Webserver
    Class demonstrating WMI stat performance improvements if the user does COM initialization so OSHI doesn't have to
    Query handler class that avoids COM initialization overhead assuming COM is already initialized by the user.